Hello! My name is
Jimmy Quach
I build cool stuff.
a picture of jimmy
I'm a software engineer passionate about building amazing applications for users, currently specializing in web and desktop applications.
/* About Me */
My first ever computer was some Windows 95 machine that my parents picked up from the side of the road.I grew up fascinated with computers ever since, and eventually found myself to be a self-taught programmer all the way until college.Now with a bachelor's degree in computer science, I am looking to find my footing in the ever-growing world of technology. Check out my resume.
baby jimmy in front of windows 95 computer
/* Projects */
Here are the highlights of some of the projects that I have worked on:
RePlays is a free and open source program that automatically manages recording of detected running games, with a clip editor that allows for quick video sharing.Gecgos.io is a reimplementation of geckos.io in written in Go, which is a library for real-time UDP client/server communication using WebRTC.